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Shonga Ska Project

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Shonga Ska Project

The Shonga Ska Intiative is sponsored by the Omaha Nation Family Resource Center, which seeks funding for the development and implementation of this innovative, culturally specific equine-assisted diversion program for youth who are members of the Omaha Tribe. The Shonga Ska Project (White Horse) builds on strong traditional cultural values of a Great Plains horse culture as a means to teach and sustain positive traditional values and pro-social, pro-cultural behaviors to prevent youth crime and truancy.  The program based on traditional cultural spirituality, practices, and values, and it will be developed and implemented by Omaha tribal members. The Project staff will provide a combination of Omaha culture, equine therapy through the use of EAGALA techniques, and education on trauma.   



The goal of this innovative approach is to engage early adolescents in a pro-social, pro-cultural and activity-oriented prevention program that teaches interpersonal skill-building, dealing with trauma, and strengthening cultural identity and cultural values. The concept of a positive, activity-oriented ongoing diversion program is aimed at competing with early truancy and associated unresolved trauma on the reservation.  



The project goal will be achieved through two specific objectives:  

1.) Providing an equine-assisted prevention program for a minimum of 100 Omaha youth based on the Omaha horse culture, EAGALA, and a trauma–informed approach; and,  

2.) Providing a comprehensive weekly prevention program based on Omaha culture through a curriculum and activities based on a combination of traditional Omaha cultural values and ceremonies and equine teachings. 




The goal of this innovative approach is to engage early adolescents in a pro-social, pro-cultural and activity-oriented prevention program that teaches interpersonal skill-building, dealing with trauma, and strengthening cultural identity and cultural values. The concept of a positive, activity-oriented ongoing diversion program is aimed at competing with early truancy and associated unresolved trauma on the reservation. 



The project goal will be achieved through two specific objectives: 

1.) Providing an equine-assisted prevention program for a minimum of 100 Omaha youth based on the Omaha horse culture, EAGALA, and a trauma–informed approach; and, 

2.) Providing a comprehensive weekly prevention program based on Omaha culture through a curriculum and activities based on a combination of traditional Omaha cultural values and ceremonies and equine teachings.